Saturday 1 March 2014

How to upgrade Windows 8 volume license to Windows 8.1 from the Windows Store

***Update at the bottom***

After searching for ages, I came up with only complaints online and couldn't actually find a solution... So I thought I would make one!

Remember the days of Windows XP where you could upgrade in so many ways? Windows Update, Slipstream, IT Pro Deployment pack... I really miss how easy Microsoft used to make things!

If you have a volume license edition of Windows 8, you will know that you can't easily upgrade to 8.1 without downloading the 8.1 ISO and performing an upgrade, or upgrading your own deployment infrastructure to support it.

Whilst having your own deployment infrstructure is best for large companies, for smaller companies, this is a real big PITA that you really should try to avoid if you can.

Microsoft have taken the decision that you can't upgrade to 8.1 if you have a volume license edition of Windows. Well... There is a simple solution... Don't use a volume edition!

In order to easily upgrade using the store, open an administrative command prompt, and from there type:

c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk V7C3N-3W6CM-PDKR2-KW8DQ-RJMRD

(This is a Microsoft Retail default key used by OEM/System builders to get through setup, it will not activate, but you don't need it to).

Once you have done this, run "wsrest" to delete the windows store cache and restart your computer.

After you have done this, Windows 8.1 will appear on the Windows Store and you can successfully upgrade to it.

Once you are on Windows 8.1, simply change back to a KMS edition via the volume license default codes:

c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk GCRJD-8NW9H-F2CDX-CCM8D-9D6T9

Then activate against your KMS host

c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato

And you are done!

Update: A lot of people are commenting here about activation failing and the key being blocked.

Please note, this is simply meant to be a way to upgrade 8 VLK edition to 8.1 without a reinstall. It is NOT a way to get Windows for free or bypass licensing.

Once you are upgraded, the step I gave above will reapply a default product key that is not able to activate - it is your job to target your KMS (or other) host and activate in the same way as you did before the upgrade. If you do not, Windows will act in an unactivated state (the same as installing without a valid key)


  1. Is this legal to do?

  2. I can't believe I did so much work trying to download it and by this simple trick you fixed my problem! Now I have windows 8.1 installed and working. I totally love you!!!

  3. This works! Thanks. FYI the command you need to run is wsreset and just type it in on the charms/metro UI page or whatever MS wants to call it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. run cmd as administrator

  6. I'm running as administrator and I get an error message like Alyssa.

  7. you made a typo on the win store cache reset command... it should be "wsreset" instead of "wsrest"
    but, thanks very much for the solution, it worked like a charm.

    1. true, and it's still a typo, otherwise great tutorial!

  8. i have got error message:
    0xC004F074 The software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information.
    Please assist for the solution.

  9. It worked. Thanks! But there is one problem though, I cant reactivate the new windows 8.1, after I run your code for reactivation, it says THE SYSTEM CANNOT FIND THE PATCH SPECIFIED. help pliz!

  10. gives me an error 0x80041002

  11. I am also getting the error message "0xC004F069 saying "On a computer running MS Windows non-core edition"

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Cannot activate as well. Please let us know how to activate.

  14. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!

  15. Please post a new retail key because the key is now blocked (0xC004C003)

  16. Thank you so much dear Bill....I put my system back to 12.6.2014....and what should I say.....8.1 is running...thanx...Peter

  17. This shit works perfectly, TRY IT!

  18. Hey......please can you help me I have downloaded but how to activate it ?...can I do it by my old product key ?..

  19. You rock dude!!!!!!!! Today is July 17th 2014 and it worked for me! You're freaking genius!

  20. Finally the solution which works, as opposed to others on the Internet.

  21. it doesnt work all it did was prevent me from downloading any windows updates and screwed up my laptop.

  22. Wow you're a boss, Cheers!

  23. Does not work. Since the update is a retail version, you can't enter the VL code.

  24. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks

  25. I can't access windows when it boot up the desktop is black

    1. found a fix on youtube gracias a Dios

    2. How did u fix it? I too hv the same problem. Pls help

  26. The installation of 8.1 worked fine, but I cannot activate after I run your code for reactivation.
    I´m a private user and have no host to activate against. Do you have a solution to that problem?
    I Think you have done a great job and thanks for sharing.

  27. Thank you for saving my day!!

  28. windows 8 pro cannot update 8.1.your pc is running an enterprise or volume licensed version of windows 8 and cannot be updated using windows store do solve this.

  29. Once you have done this, run "wsrest" to delete the windows store cache and restart your computer.

    wsrest do not work
    wsreset worked for me

  30. I am also getting the error message "0xC004F069, Product SKU not found. How to proceed, please?

  31. windows 8.1 couldn't be installed error code 0x800703f1. any solutuion please?

  32. it work on a 64bit pc?

  33. how can you update windows 8 enterprise n to windows 8.1 enterprise n?

  34. NOTE ALL: The above works in some cases, but will not fully activate. Not fully activated with the correct Product License Key will allow you to do most your work but some MS products may not install or work. Here is the deal. For Volume License cases, one needs to purchase and obtain the 8.1 Upgrade Kit from MS or a vendor and install it that way. As far as I see, there is no work around on that. To go back to your old Win 8 system, just do a Refresh.

  35. Replies
    1. use wsreset instead of wsrest

  36. i did but windows 8.1 is not in the store .please help me .

    1. Check the letter of "wsreset" instead of "wsrset"

  37. Is there anyway to go back to Windows 8. As it says Activate windows. And i dont know what to do

    1. Use the microsoft tool kit to activate. It 100% work activate windows 8.1

  38. Thank you. I finally installed windows 8.1 and son I will be able to install windows 10.

  39. Got an error of 0xC1900101 - 0x40017

    1. Try to uninstall any anti-virus program, then try again run upgrade windows 8.1

  40. Thank you so much!

  41. Not sure if anyone is still checking this post, but help please; I did this on a school issued laptop, and I have no idea how to re-license it. I'm kinda afraid to ask the school because of tampering with the machine.

  42. Excuse me sir, I use Windows 8 Enterprise and there's no key for that on the site. Please help!

  43. What a hero. I've been working on this nearly all week, Windows update wouldnt install the updates i needed with no explanation, tried installing the KB updates Microsoft said that would be the 8.1 update but it says they arent for my system. Messed with the registry, cleared caches and everything. I wouldnt mind, but im just a remote worker with my work PC, and hardly ever get to the office for the update to be pushed any other way.

    Even more funny is the update used to be in the store, but it wouldnt let me install it without all the updates, then BOOM it disappeared! So glad you came up with this post, because as it stands at this second, the store has reset, i am downloading the update and can put my own key back in again once its done! yay!

    1. Hi Wookie, Will the method work if used with MAK for Windows 8

  44. thank you so much but at the end it still goes wrong. I am already trying it for more then a half year an really frustrated. It goed wrong at the the last part, Then activate against your KMS host, c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato. I get the message error 0x800723B no DNS name exist. This is realy where I have no knowledge. I you have a simple suggestion I be very thankfull. sorry for my poor English thank you Erwin (Netherlands)

  45. William,

    I am using a volume license key on a machine I purchased from my company as it was going out of business. Am I correct in assuming that I follow your instructions listed above, then activate my original key once I have successfully installed Win8.1? Sorry if it seems like a dolt question, just making sure I do things right before I try this.

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